/*! * Vitality v1.3.5 (http://themes.startbootstrap.com/vitality-v1.3.5) * Copyright 2013-2015 Start Bootstrap Themes * To use this theme you must have a license purchased at WrapBootstrap (https://wrapbootstrap.com) */ (function($) { "use strict"; // Start of use strict // Smooth Scrolling: Smooth scrolls to an ID on the current page. // To use this feature, add a link on your page that links to an ID, and add the .page-scroll class to the link itself. See the docs for more details. $('a.page-scroll').bind('click', function(event) { var $anchor = $(this); $('html, body').stop().animate({ scrollTop: ($($anchor.attr('href')).offset().top - 0) }, 1250, 'easeInOutExpo'); event.preventDefault(); }); // Activates floating label headings for the contact form. $("body").on("input propertychange", ".floating-label-form-group", function(e) { $(this).toggleClass("floating-label-form-group-with-value", !!$(e.target).val()); }).on("focus", ".floating-label-form-group", function() { $(this).addClass("floating-label-form-group-with-focus"); }).on("blur", ".floating-label-form-group", function() { $(this).removeClass("floating-label-form-group-with-focus"); }); // Closes the Responsive Menu on Menu Item Click $('.navbar-collapse ul li a').click(function() { $('.navbar-toggle:visible').click(); }); // Owl Carousel Settings $(".about-carousel").owlCarousel({ items: 3, navigation: true, pagination: false, navigationText: [ "", "" ], }); $(".portfolio-carousel").owlCarousel({ singleItem: true, navigation: true, pagination: false, navigationText: [ "", "" ], autoHeight: true, mouseDrag: false, touchDrag: false, transitionStyle: "fadeUp" }); $(".testimonials-carousel").owlCarousel({ singleItem: true, navigation: true, pagination: true, autoHeight: true, navigationText: [ "", "" ], transitionStyle: "backSlide" }); $(".portfolio-gallery").owlCarousel({ items: 3, }); // Magnific Popup jQuery Lightbox Gallery Settings $('.gallery-link').magnificPopup({ type: 'image', gallery: { enabled: true }, image: { titleSrc: 'title' } }); // Formstone Background - Video Background Settings var base_url = '/home/'; $("header.video").background({ source: { poster: base_url+"assets/img/bg-mobile-fallback.jpg", mp4: base_url+"assets/mp4/InteractiveAvatarCreator.mp4" } }); // Scrollspy: Highlights the navigation menu items while scrolling. $('body').scrollspy({ target: '.navbar-fixed-top', offset: 51 }) // Portfolio Filtering Scripts & Hover Effect var filterList = { init: function() { // MixItUp plugin // http://mixitup.io $('#portfoliolist').mixitup({ targetSelector: '.portfolio', filterSelector: '.filter', effects: ['fade'], easing: 'snap', // call the hover effect onMixEnd: filterList.hoverEffect() }); }, hoverEffect: function() { // Simple parallax effect $('#portfoliolist .portfolio').hover( function() { $(this).find('.caption').stop().animate({ bottom: 0 }, 200, 'easeOutQuad'); $(this).find('img').stop().animate({ top: -20 }, 300, 'easeOutQuad'); }, function() { $(this).find('.caption').stop().animate({ bottom: -75 }, 200, 'easeInQuad'); $(this).find('img').stop().animate({ top: 0 }, 300, 'easeOutQuad'); } ); } }; filterList.init(); })(jQuery); // End of use strict // Load WOW.js on non-touch devices var isPhoneDevice = "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement; $(document).ready(function() { if (isPhoneDevice) { //mobile } else { //desktop // Initialize WOW.js wow = new WOW({ offset: 50 }) wow.init(); } });